About Us

Bethany Linnenkohl Lafferty

Owner, ACN, FHT, Certified in Professional Muscle Testing

Following in her Father's footsteps, Bethany Linnenkohl Lafferty has worked with healthcare practitioners as an educator for applying whole food nutrition and herbs in a professional setting for more than 10 years. Bethany is passionate about health, wellness and whole foods and, as an entrepreneur, she founded two food-related businesses and lectured as an advocate for raw foods during her college years. After completing an undergraduate degree at Biola University, she continued post-graduate studies at the University of Washington in Business Administration and later, Applied Clinical Nutrition, Functional Herbal Therapy, and became certified in Professional Muscle Testing and Hypothalamic Reset Technique. 

After many years teaching practitioners to help patients, she now is thrilled to take that education and help more individuals take the next step in furthering their health.




All services and products provided by Heart + Sol Wellness are considered General Wellness products, not medical devices, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. All services and products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent diseases or medical conditions, and you should consult with your health professional before using such products. Our website is for education and sharing information, but is not intended as medical advice. None of the information provided is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling, nor does it involve the diagnosis, prognosis, or prescription of remedies for the treatment or prevention of any disease.