C Complex LG
C Complex LG
C Complexƒ?›?ÿis a 100% vegan?ÿFood?ÿsupplement that is intended to supply 100% Food vitamin C.
- Detoxifies free radicals
- Superior source of vitamin C
- 10 times less acidic than ascorbic acid
- Contains real antioxidants
Product Details
FOOD vitamin C?ÿis an antioxidant and has long been recognized as an important nutrient for supporting cardiovascular, immune, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and other systems.
Unlike some other so-called ƒ??whole foodƒ?� vitamins, it does not contain any isolated ascorbic acid. Royal Lee claimed that ascorbic acid was not vitamin C.?ÿ
Contains naturally occurring carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (including all ten essential amino acids), and truly organic bioflavonoids as found in the edible portions of citrus fruits with mixed plant fiber;?ÿCellula vegetabalis?ÿƒ??all the nutrients shown above are contained in these foods. Unlike many so-called ƒ??naturalƒ?� formulas containing vitamin C,?ÿC Complexƒ?›?ÿis a food complex which contains no isolated USP ascorbic acid, but only contains foods, food complexes, and food concentrates.